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Join the Fostering Arts Partnership Be counted! The Fostering the Arts and Culture Partnership is building a comprehensive database of all Franklin County artists, musicians, arts and crafts businesses, and members of the creative economy, from actor to production studio to website designer. Adding your name ensures that Franklin County artists gain greater representation in the region’s economy, local and state planning, and access to tourism dollars,. Being counted opens doors; increases...

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This page is based on the original artists listing page. The pages below this have been copied – and will not work properly. It will be switched to database driven display. Artists Adams, Tom Anthony, Amy Auger, Christine Baker, Nancy Bander, Nina Barnes, E.J. Batteau, Brook Bates, Davis Bergeron, Adam Bixby, Sarah Blanchette, Ellen Blondin, Darren Bloomfield, Petula Baugh, Constance Brauer, Ann Brown, Jason and Aya Card, Susan Caraher, Dennis Cavanac, Donna Charter, Carla Chirico, Rob...

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Functional Resources: Creative Economy Jobs   Regional Resources Massachusetts Cultural Council Massachusetts Advocates for the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities(MAASH) http://www.massculturalcouncil.org/applications/agapp.html http://www.artistlink.org www.Chicagoartistsresource.org Masschusetts Foundation for the Humanities www.NYFAsource.org – the best for grants http://www.unitedstatesartists.org http://artistsunderthedome.org/ Local Resources: Artspace Franklin County Chamber of...

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Welcome to the Fostering Art and Culture Project! Mission Statement Fostering Art and Culture Project (FACP) is a partnership of artistic, business, and civic stakeholders committed to growing the creative economy in Franklin County, MA.   Believing that artists and arts-related businesses are this county’s greatest cultural resources, FACP aims to increase artists’ capacity, promote cultural tourism to our area, and hold up the centrality of the arts in public life. Franklin County Manifesto...

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