New Buzz networking series starts July 25th

We have sifted through all of your comments from Fostering Art & Culture’s Franklin County Creative Economy Summit 2, and one thing is clear; you want more networking opportunities! We had five successful Buzz events last year and look forward to more frequent and regular events for the arts community to gather, network and mix up our company with the community at large.
With this in mind, we have teamed up with the Ten Miles Collaborative for a networking event on Monday, July 25th, from 6-8pm at the Ten Miles Collaborative space at 10 Miles Street in Greenfield. We will hear a presentation from Tess Gadwa, owner of Yes Exactly Web Design, on the topic of creative collaboration. The Collaborative space houses Locavore Catering, which will provide refreshments! (pictured: Tess Gadwa)
For future Buzz events, we are interested in attracting a core group of artists and creative community members to help choose and plan out the rest of the year’s presenters and event locations. Please let us know if you are interested in helping make these events happen. We’d love to hear from you at the event on the 25th or if you are unable to make it, please email us here.
Please RSVP here. Space is limited.
About the presenter
Tess Gadwa, owner of Yes Exactly Web Design, will speak on the topic of creative collaboration, with special attention paid to its economic value. As individuals, we are socialized to compete rather than collaborate from an early age; we often do not immediately see the pathway to viewing colleagues as potential partners rather than rivals for scarce resources.
Many artists are solitary by nature, and require time by themselves to reflect and recharge. At the same time they often benefit from time spent interacting with other creative professionals. When individuals freelance or work from home, seeking community and collaboration is not automatic, but the extra effort can yield many benefits. She will speak to the complexity of nurturing the creative process in group situations, and of finding the right balance between solitude and community life.
Ms. Gadwa will share her own experience in building effective partnerships; creating spaces, processes, and structures that foster collaboration; and navigating the challenges posed by collaboration, such as conflict and effective decision making. Her firm belief is that attaching economic value to a creative collaboration is one of the most powerful tools for accountability and mutual respect. In keeping with the nature of this topic, she will include time for Q & A and invite audience members to share their own insights and advice about creative collaboration.
Tess Gadwa brings more than 12 years experience in media and web development to her practice. She works most frequently with clients in the technology, education, and media sectors. In January 2011, she launched Yes Exactly Web Design, a Pioneer Valley Internet startup focused on rapid deployment of custom-designed content-managed websites for small businesses, individuals, and nonprofits. Whenever possible, she looks for talented writers, graphic designers, and programmers to collaborate with.This “virtual agency”model has been key to her business’s success.
Ms. Gadwa’s background also spans journalism, illustration, and comics. During the last decade, she logged over 10,000 miles traveling through the American South, talking to Pentecostals, snake handlers, peace activists, Civil Rights veterans, and other believers. The result is Southern Cross, an illustrated nonfiction travel memoir documenting the lives of believers in the contemporary American South.
Ms. Gadwa has also written extensively for print and web on topics including food, arts, architecture, real estate, and finance. Samples of her freelance news reporting, web content, and artwork may be found online at DCS Creative.